PowerMill 2023 is the world’s leading professional NC CAM programming software for complex shapes commonly used in tool manufacturing, automotive and aerospace industries. Offers a wide range of milling strategies including high-efficiency roughing, high-speed finishing and 5-axis machining techniques. Use can effectively speed up toolpath creation and post-processing calculations.
In addition, powerful editing tools are available to ensure optimum machine performance. PowerMill has a variety of intuitive interfaces. It supports IGES, VDA and STL data formats, allowing you to import data from any CAD system that supports these neutral formats. You can get other Autodesk Products from LicensedSoft.
Autodesk PowerMill Ultimate 2023 New Features:
1. Improvements in Steep and Shallow Finishing
You can now optimize open pocket machining for improved surface finish when using 3D Offset as a shallow strategy in Steep and Shallow Finishing.
2. Increased speed
- Overall speed has increased to help reduce programming time:
- Collision avoidance has applied much faster, especially when using the Auto method.
- The time to calculate Curve Projected Finishing toolpaths has been reduced.
- Turned spindle profiles are calculated faster.
- The time to open and save projects containing collision checking toolpaths has been reduced.
3. Enhanced Settings
Workplane behavior has improved to enhance programming workflow:
when a setting is active, its workplane is now automatically activated as well.
When creating a toolpath in a setup, the system no longer automatically activates the workplane for that setup for the toolpath. By default, toolpaths now use the current active workplane instead.
4. Safer Leads and Joins
You can now select the ends of auto-cropped segments to add leads and joins for greater process safety.
When machining an undercut, the lead-in move will automatically extend from under the overhanging surface.
5. Automatic Collision Avoidance
The functionality has improved to ensure that the Automatic method of Collision Avoidance tilts the tool more consistently on adjacent paths.
When using the Auto method of Collision Avoidance for toolpaths that use bi-directional cuts, the tilt of the tool is now more consistent across successive paths.
6. Additive
In PowerMill Additive, you can now combine two or more additive toolpaths to create a single additive toolpath. By merging toolpaths, it is possible to group stacked segments within the same layer band (gradation).
7. Rest Finishing Strategies (Preview)
In PowerMill 2022.1, new finishing strategies have added for machining areas (such as corners) that have leftover stock from previous operations. The strategy now more reliably generates toolpaths that cover the entire extent of residual material with smoother paths of higher quality.
8. Other enhancements
Autodesk PowerMill now uses the new Autodesk brand logo, colors and images.
To help identify flat surfaces at any angle in your model, two new commands are available. In the Command Window.